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【輸入盤DVD】【新品】DONIZETTI / TORQUATO TASSO (2021/2/5発売)

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新品 4282円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :30961029490
中古 :30961029490-1
メーカー 【輸入盤DVD】【新品】DONIZETTI 発売日 2025/02/11 10:28 定価 5490円

【輸入盤DVD】【新品】DONIZETTI / TORQUATO TASSO (2021/2/5発売)

This work is captivating in its intensity and focuses on aspects of and moments in Tassos rich, eventful life. Indeed, Donizetti seems to have been so actively involved in drafting his subject that he may well have seen in Tasso not a little of himself. After all, both composer and poet hailed from Bergamo. Reports at the time indicate the opera was initially received with considerable warmth and, on occasion, outright enthusiasm. Yet this success proved short-lived. The growing vogue for tragic subjects in opera probably made Torquato Tasso seem an odd hotchpotch of unrelated elements with a finale that, for all its outstanding approach to the music, in dramatic terms had neither a properly happy nor unhappy ending. The fact remains, however that the music of Torquato Tasso is highly inventive - outstandingly so. If todays audiences can strike a balance between the several approaches to stagecraft in this opera, Torquato Tasso will reveal new delights for the eye and ear and so become one of the finest instances of Donizetti at his most experimental and charismatic.ドニゼッティ:歌劇「トルクァート・タッソー」(こちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDです。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーでない場合、再生できない可能性があります。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーはこちらでご案内しております。種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISCジャンル:Classical Artists発売日:2021/2/5ディスク枚数:1コメント:This work is captivating in its intensity and focuses on aspects of and moments in Tassos rich, eventful life. Indeed, Donizetti seems to have been so actively involved in drafting his subject that he may well have seen in Tasso not a little of himself. After all, both composer and poet hailed from Bergamo. Reports at the time indicate the opera was initially received with considerable warmth and, on occasion, outright enthusiasm. Yet this success proved short-lived. The growing vogue for tragic subjects in opera probably made Torquato Tasso seem an odd hotchpotch of unrelated elements with a finale that, for all its outstanding approach to the music, in dramatic terms had neither a properly happy nor unhappy ending. The fact remains, however that the music of Torquato Tasso is highly inventive - outstandingly so. If todays audiences can strike a balance between the several approaches to stagecraft in this opera, Torquato Tasso will reveal new delights for the eye and ear and so become one of the finest instances of Donizetti at his most experimental and charismatic.




