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Soulflower Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil for Acne, Dandruff and Hairfall, 100% Pure, Natural, Preservative Free - 15ml

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新品 3343円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :30982103696
中古 :30982103696-1
メーカー Soulflower 発売日 2025/02/07 23:15 定価 4286円

Soulflower Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil for Acne, Dandruff and Hairfall, 100% Pure, Natural, Preservative Free - 15ml

※他モールでも併売しているため、タイミングによって在庫切れの可能性がございます。その際は、別途ご連絡させていただきます。Soulflower Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil for Acne, Dandruff and Hairfall, 100% Pure, Natural, Preservative Free - 15mlFOR STRONG AND LUSTROUS HAIR: The Soulflower Castor Rosemary Hair Oil nourishes and moisturizes dry hair, controls sebum, maintains a healthy scalp, improves hair texture, controls dandruff, and strengthens hair. The high-nutrient Soulflower Castor Rosemary Oil promotes a healthy scalp and long, thick, and lustrous hair.FOR HYDRATED SKIN: The Soulflower Castor Rosemary Hair Oil has a sweet herby aroma, and helps in hydrating and softening skin.Pure Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil (97%) and Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil (3%) are the main ingredients in the cold-pressed, original, 100% PURE AND VEGAN.EASY TO USE: Take a small amount of Soulflower Cold Pressed Castor Rosemary Hair Nourishment Oil and massage directly on your scalp and hair, apply some on the length as well. Mix 4-5 drops of any Soulflower Essential Oil with 1 tbsp of Castor Rosemary Hair Nourishment Oil & apply for additional benefits. Keep it for a minimum of 30 minutes or overnight and wash it off with Soulflower Onion Biotin Shampoo.CERTIFICATION: Soulflower Castor Rosemary Hair Oil is ESG Certified, ECOCERT COSMOS ORGANIC Certified, Vegan, Preservative, Mineral Oil, SLS & Chemical Free.FARM TO FACE BRAND: Soulflower is Indias Farm to Face brand, with a simple Philosophy of Clean beauty that offers new-age solutions, inspired by Ayurveda & Natural Remedies. All our products are handmade & free from any chemicals. We grow our own ingredients on our sustainable farm to ensure maximum benefit for skin & hair.CAUTION: Suitable for all skin and hair types. If you have any underlying medical condition, consult your doctor before use.説明Soulflower Indian Cold-pressed Castor Rosemary Hair Nourishment Oil is a premium grade oil extracted from Indian formula containing pure castor seed oil and rosemary leaf oil, perfect to be used in winter as the scalp is most dried out during this time. Traditionally known for its therapeutic action on hair and scalp, it moisturizes hair from the roots, gives total nourishment to your dry and damaged hair, and helps to restore frizzy hair, and split ends. It is pure, natural, vegan hair & skin nourishment oil from Soulflower. The oil acts as a natural moisturizer for hair & scalp ideally used during winters. The oil comprises omega- 6 and 9, essential fatty acids, and nutrients, giving it a unique moisturizing property ideal for maintaining healthy hair. It improves the blood circulation to hair follicles which eliminates dry, flaky scalp, promoting nourished scalp and healthy shiny hair. The oil is USFDA approved and doesnt contain added synthetic color, harmful chemicals like silicone, or preservatives like Parabens.※他モールでも併売しているため、タイミングによって在庫切れの可能性がございます。その際は、別途ご連絡させていただきます。

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